An IRS tax issue can understandably intimidate even the most successful and experienced individuals or business owners. Your income, finances, business, and reputation are important, too important to waste on a mishandled tax matter.
The IRS offers assistance at local offices in many metropolitan areas. The IRS also provides a toll-free assistance number (800) 829-1040. But agents at those offices work for the IRS—not for you. The IRS's role is to collect taxes, not give you the expert advice and advocacy you need. You need the help of a lawyer you can trust, someone who knows how IRS agents work and think. You need a practical and lawful solution that the IRS will accept through firm and fair advocacy, good reputation, and trustworthy relationship.
You need the help of a qualified California tax local to coastal Manhattan Beach. Act now, before the IRS does.
IRS Office Nearest Manhattan Beach
You could seek the assistance of the IRS's nearest office to Manhattan Beach, located at 300 North Los Angeles Street in Los Angeles, telephone (213) 576-3009, or at 501 West Ocean Boulevard in Long Beach, telephone (562) 491-7751. IRS offices offer basic information about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Affordable Care Act, and notices and levies. An IRS office may change account information or adjust payments. You can also request alien clearances, also known as sailing or departure permits. You might even get help with individual federal tax returns, between January 1 and April 18. IRS offices also offer help with a few basic forms, individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, and payments (checks and money orders only—no cash). The IRS provides most tax forms, though, only online.
But as you may already have found out, local IRS offices are not reliable places to find the advice and advocacy most tax problems need. The basic information agents provide won't give you the special insight and innovative solution your tax issue may require. If you came away frustrated by your visit to the local IRS office, then immediately call a California tax attorney to avoid the risk of penalties and enforcement.
Solutions to Your Tax Problem in Manhattan Beach
A qualified California tax Attorney can help design and negotiate a practical and fitting solution for your IRS tax issue in these and other areas:
- IRS allegations of income-tax nonreporting, nonpayment, and fraud;
- IRS tax audits, assessments, appeals, liens, and levies;
- incorrect, late, absent, and amended IRS tax returns;
- unpaid or underpaid federal payroll taxes and recovery penalties;
- IRS offers in compromise and installment-plan agreements;
- IRS hardship status, injured-spouse, and innocent-spouse relief;
- State of California license and tag holds;
- State of California sales and use taxes;
- State of California state tax audits;
- State of California residency disputes affecting state taxes; and
- City residency disputes affecting local taxes.
Contact Your Local Tax Attorney Now
If you have any of the above IRS tax problems, or other problems paying or reporting taxes, then contact a California tax attorney with a local office to serve you. Schedule a free local consultation today.